Solar Solutions

Solar Control System.

Hardware and software-enabled grid tie solar control system to generate power and be legacy sources independent.

Solar Control Solution

A stiff challenge most windmill owners face today is controlling the solar control system to improve its efficiency. As the process involves a plethora of components to monitor and analyze, having complete control over the process is an uphill task for many. However, this is essential for enhancing the performance of the solar control system.

If you’re facing such a challenge, Accelence’s solar control system could be your best bet. Our experts, after understanding the solar control system challenges, have designed and developed a unique grid tie solar control system to manage the generated power while freeing up the system from legacy source dependency.


Solar Solutions based on Usage & application

At Accelence, we provide solar solutions for residential, commercial, and industrial applications. Our solar solutions are tailored to meet the unique needs of each customer, and we work closely with our clients to design and install solar systems that are both efficient and cost-effective. Whether you are looking to reduce your energy bills, increase your energy independence, or demonstrate your commitment to sustainability, we have the expertise and experience to help you achieve your goals.

Our commercial solar solutions are designed for businesses and commercial properties, such as office buildings, hotels, and retail stores. These systems are typically larger in scale than residential solar solutions and can generate enough electricity to power the entire building or facility.

We offer Solutions tailored to your requirement - ranging from few kW to multiple MW's. Switch to our solar solutions and get government incentives which can help offset the initial costs of installation and can provide significant savings over the long term
We offer large scale industrial solar solutions that are designed for factories, warehouses, and manufacturing plants. These systems are typically much larger in scale to meet the energy demands of large industrial operations.

Industrial solar solutions are a long-term investment that can provide returns for years to come. Our Solar panels have a lifespan of more than 25+ years and require minimal maintenance, making them a cost-effective energy solution for industries.
Our residential solar solutions are designed for homes and small-scale residential properties. These systems typically consist of rooftop solar panels that generate electricity for the home.

By choosing our solar solutions, customers can reduce their dependence on the traditional power grid & generate their own electricity. This not only helps to reduce rising energy costs but also provides a reliable source of power in case of power outages or disruptions to the grid
Why Us

Leverage our solar energy expertise to manage turbines better.

Generate electricity quickly and efficiently.

Deployed 100+ solar control systems
Expert mobile app developers
Veteran IoT developers
Advanced technology, tools
24/7 Support
Our Methodology

Our Approach

We emphasize on continuous communication and update you with every progress of the project.

Our expert will get in touch with you to gather the complete information about the project and answer all your queries before coming up with a project scope.
The scope will be briefed to the technical team and after careful analysis of the challenge the team will come up with a fitting solution.
Once the scope is ready and briefed, the technical team starts working on the solution using advanced technology and tools.
We ensure that the solution is tailor-made for your business and help you manage wind turbine systems effectively.
The solution completely tested and 100% ready to use will be demonstrated to customers via soft launch, and finally deployed in the Cloud or on-premise.
Key Benefits


Key benefits of partnering with us for your wind turbine challenges.

1. 24/7 Support

Utilize round the clock support.

2. Intuitive UI/UX

Delight user with amazing user experience.

3. Enhanced Performance

Ensure improved performance and efficiency.

5. Accelerate RoI

Amplify growth to ensure improved business RoI.

Top clients

We worked with brands.

My Performance

My Best Performance

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Our project

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